So, it is always a great relief to hear that he's okay. We'll do this again in April. And October. Then maybe just in Octobers. I hope. I worry and worry and buy him special treats, and get movies, and wash his blanky, and pray. Oh, and worry (did I mention that?)
In addition to that, I took Orlando to his field trip. I made him a wonderful sack lunch, got him all excited, made sure he was dressed for the pumpkin patch and then took him to school at 8 when he usually goes in the afternoon....only to find out it is next week.
How embarrassing.
I blame it on stress. Somehow I got the MRI and the field trip on the same date in my head....
Sheesh, I thought Lando might make it to 4th or 5th grade before I started embarrassing him, I guess not!
Well, I'm thankful for my boys even if they may struggle with giving thanks for this scatter brained-worry-wart of a mom.
I'm so glad to hear everything looks good. You are an awesome mom who is so much fun and so WITH IT. I know you may not feel like it all the time, but really you are amazing.
Don't even blame it on stress--blame it on your husband's schedule. That's what I do anyway! LOL I am so thankful that Ivan is doing soooo well. The Lord is ever mindful of our many worries and prayers.
We celebrate normal! And all mothers have their fair share of embarrasing moments.
Glad everything looks good!
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