Wednesday, February 20, 2013

One Week

Today marks a week that I was incarcerated-I mean, hospitalized.   I thought I'd share seven things that make this easier.

1. My husband works here.  He can stop by once or twice a day for a few minutes in addition to when he brings the kids at night.  How wonderful to see him and discuss whatever we want!

2. We live close, really close.  So, if I do need something, Josh or a friend can bring it over to me easily.

3. Visitors.  I like people, so visits are nice.

4. It is winter in WI.  We've had more snow and it's been many degrees below freezing.  Despite the good windows, Jack frost was still inside my window pane this morning.  Because of the weather, I'm not missing too much outside.  I'm so glad it is not spring, summer, or fall all of which are quite nice here in Marshfield.

5. I don't have an IV, and I'm not trapped to my bed.  I can walk down the hall, do some limited stretching, and at least move some.

6. Projects:  taxes, Vinny's First Year Book, and a quilt.  I lost my quilt mojo over a year ago, but I'm getting inspired again.  My oldest three have quilts I made them, Vinny doesn't, so I might make Vinny one, and then baby if I get to it.  At least get them cut out and designed.

7.  WIFI.  I can keep in touch with others via this blog and Facebook   Not to mention pay bills, surf the web, and Netflix!  I'm getting hooked on Alias and Lost, never watched either before now.

Okay,there they are: 7 things that help a bad situation be better.  But, without saying the help of friends has been most valuable.  I didn't realize how many friends I had in Marshfield until this happened, so that is also a silver lining.  Josh's brother comes in Saturday and will relieve some pressure from Josh and friends. :)

Finally, this scripture I read this morning touched my heart, "The Lord did strengthen them that they could bear up their burdens with ease and they did submit cheerfully and with patience to all the will of the Lord."
Mosiah 24:15


The Lady of the House said...

Get caught up on some Duck Dynasty if you can find it.

Although it might not be a good idea if it makes you laugh too hard.

Meagan Dee said...

Glad to hear you're doing well overall and your family is taken care of. I've seen your posts on FB and thought I'd peek to see more info. Hang in there! I take care of ladies like you for up to 6+ weeks and I think you're doing very well to stay busy! Take care, prayers for you, your family, and your unnamed baby boy to stay healthy inside for now!

Giggles said...

I love that scripture too. It's brought me a lot of comfort.